Juniors Club

Why is Aikido a good idea for juniors? What can it contribute to their lives?

Welcome to Aikido classes for children and young people at Yamato Dojo Malta. Our aim is to help improve behaviorally, emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually the lives of all children who train with us. They will learn respectful interaction with other children, learn group behavior, improve their confidence, discipline, improve concentration, learn to use and move their bodies in all sorts of ways, learn to fall safely and yet still have a great time!

Aikido teaches Juniors how to handle violence without themselves being violent.

This class is structured much like an adult class. The focus is on Aikido principles and technical development. Fitness is built in all parts of this class and serves as a spring board to healthy lifestyle children make as they get older and reflect on when they become adults.


* Aikido is a non-aggressive martial art.

* Aikido teaches Juniors to be calm and self-defence

* Aikido gives Juniors a positive world view.

* Aikido teaches Juniors  a lighter approach to life. (Aikido is about developing the full human potential, and school is one of the most important places for this potential to be realized. Absorb knowledge easier and think with clarity)

* Aikido helps Juniors in sports

* Anyone can be good at Aikido. Doesn’t require an athletic power

* Aikido works for little people! (no matter size, height,speed)

* Make new friends and have FUN!

photo by Reuben Chircop


We suggest you come and watch a class or two before you decide to enrol your child. The Club operates at the Maria Assumpta Girls Secondary School (St’Gorg Preca College) in Hamrun during the months of: September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May.

At the end of the academic year, students will be tested and certified according to the technical program and will be classified in categories. Their categories are small steps to the adults category as they can continue learning Aikido within the adults club after the age of 16

Age Group 

10 to 15yrs


Sessions are lead by Kevin Bonanno Sensei and held on Saturdays afternoon from 1500hrs to 1615hrs


At the end of each year, students may receive approved forms that they have completed the period of training for their School Leaving Certificate. This is possible as the Club is also registered with the Malta Qualification Council and the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education as a provider for Informal Education.

If a student attends regularly for more than four years can receive an Aikido qualification, the ‘Award in Aikido – Gokyu’ @ MQF level 1 that is equivalent in level to the School Leaving Certificate. Further details maybe obtained from the Education section.

Avoidance of violence is the heart of Aikido. Children learn not how to fightbut how to co-operate; how to resolve conflict in a positive way; how to make friends and avoid making enemies. They learn self-defence, but more importantly they learn self-confidence, self-respect and the path to self-discovery. In a world increasingly filled with stress and conflict, these lessons are survival tools for children of all ages.

In praise of “Children and the martial arts: An Aikido point of view” by Gaku Homma